Sunday, May 16, 2010

On The Mend

Well, all is over now and I am on the mend.  It is a slow process but everyday it hurts a little less. I get the stitches out next week and am hoping I will feel much better and can finally throw away that hideous surgical boot I've been sporting! I do have a picture of the scar because if you know me at all, I document EVERYTHING, but,  I will spare you all the horror.  Just listen to the pain in Joss Stone's voice to know what it really feels like!

The good news is that I was able to catch up on all my favorite TV shows while I was recuperating.  I had TIVO'D some shows so that I would have something to watch all weekend long.  And then, of course, there is the lovely Lifetime Television that a girl can ALWAYS count on in their time of need so Thank You Lifetime, you made it easier to get through those very long days.

I also went to the library to take out some new books to read.  After several recommendations from friends and colleagues, the library had none of the books I wanted so I ended up reading some books that I had on my very own bookshelfs so I was pretty well taken care of for the 4 days I was home. 

Thank you all for your well wishes and for checking in on me.  Where would a girl be without friends like you!