Sunday, February 28, 2010

Family Heirloom

As you all know I am a cookbook junkie.  So I got to thinking, and decided, I wanted to make my own cookbook!  I have recipes all over the house that I've either ripped out of a magazine, printed off the internet, or asked a friend for.  And of course we all have those favorite recipes our mom's made us when we were growing up.  So why not collect all those family recipes and put them together in one place?  What a nice gift too to be able to pass down through the generations.  So I went around to all my family members and asked them to provide me with a few of their favorite recipes, table scapes, traditions, tips, etc and everyone loved the idea.  I got really great recipes, ideas, memories and even some family stories.  I think everyone enjoyed looking for their favorites and remembering times when they've made these meals.  Maybe a special holiday or family vacation or even an old "secret" recipe that was brought here from our ancestors. 

I printed up all the recipes and added a few pictures and viola, a "Family Favorites Cookbook" was produced.  It came out so beautiful and everyone liked seeing their recipe in print.  They felt like published authors!  It was great to see everyone feverishly turning the pages looking for their recipe and smiling once they found it.

Here is one recipe from the book that is a delicious, simple and perfect recipe for a quick and healthy snack any time of day.

Yummy Fruit Meal
A handful of blueberries
A handful of pineapple slices
A sliced banana
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground ginger
A big dollop of honey
Mix all ingredients in large bowl and enjoy!
Walnuts & Granola can also be added for some nutty goodness!

And as a special thank you to all the authors in the book, I vow to make every one of these recipes this year.

I think I will start in the desserts section and I think I will start, right now!   Yum-O!