Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Enjoy Life!

Today's post will hopefully get everyone motivated to go out there and enjoy their lives as much as possible. Sure it is easy to simply say "I will no longer sweat the small stuff" or "I am not going to get stressed out over it." I am guilty of it too and we are human so it is hard to avoid, however, I am going to really do my best to break those old habits. Life really is too short and I'd rather savor it than be miserable or unhealthy. I'd rather talk than text. I'd rather listen than interrupt. I'd rather read than watch TV. I'd rather sit outside than on the couch. I'd rather spend time with my loved ones. Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, again, it is a part of our lives, however, it doesn't need to consume us. Next time I feel myself getting to that point, I'll sit back, take a deep cleansing breath, and deal with the issue. Some things are just not worth it. I'd rather live my life in a more peaceful way. More "zen-like" if you will! I hope you will do the same.


Liz said...

In theory, don't sweat the small stuff, should be everyone motto, but.....